Saturday, August 30, 2008

Progress to date on the Beagle 2 challenge


Lots of good work is being done by the team to try and get as much fresh information as we can muster. The Google group has had a few articles posted researched and written by group members. These will accompany the final model if we can get approval to use some of the content which is most likely copyright. It's a shame that the site seems to have been abandoned and there is very little information there about what happened after the lander was lost and the lessons learned. Also, I posted an item about a possible "Beagle 3" lander that was suggested in a few places and hinted at by Colin at an event I attended. Not much follow-up information about that anywhere beyond a couple of press releases. As the proposal was to include launch in 2009. I think this is quite unlikely now as we have heard nothing since.

I, along with a colleague, visited the Walton Hall Library at Milton Keynes to see if we could un-earth some schematic diagrams from which was can scale the model inworld. Unfortunately, we didn't find anything that would fit that bill, but I was very grateful to receive a copy of Colin Pillingers book "The Guide to Beagle 2" from the Science Faculty at Walton Hall, which has some fantastic information contained within it. I also borrowed "Beagle - From Darwin's Epic voyage to the British Mission to Mars", This also has some great material, and 3 VHS tapes containing the BBC series that followed Beagle 2's early progress. I didn't realise that a major part of the lander was built in my home town by EADS Astrium. I'm hoping perhaps they can help us with some finer details about the lander itself.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Beagle 3?

The research phase of the project is starting to bear fruit. We have a few of the research tasks completed and posted into the groups. The main source of information seems to be the beagle 2 website. However, this looks slightly abandoned and although it's a good source of general information, it doesn't seem to have the level of detail required for the actual build. We really need schematics and dimensions to be able to get on with these tasks and so far, we don't seem to be getting responses from the OU itself. It does lead into a very pertinent questions. What happens to a science and engineering team that was destined to be receiving and analysing data when a mission fails? After the obvious post analysis and investigations that would inevitably follow, mainly to appease any investors, what happens to all the data that was collected during the build, launch and journey phases of a mission. is any of this information re-used on another mission? Does the team go on and try again for funding? I was at the OU's inaugural Broadband lecture given by Steve Squyres a year or two ago and Colin Pillinger attended and indicated that a "Beagle 3" was a possibility (he didn't call it Beagle 3 though). This seems an entirely sensible way to use the information and techniques gained on one mission to fuel another. I'm assuming that lessons where learned from the original mission and the cost of a "Beagle 3" would not be as steep as the original. I wonder if another mission is planned that a Beagle 3 could piggy back upon and keep the costs even lower.

You can see a video lecture given by Colin Pillinger at the Berrill Lecture theatre, Walton Hall in 2003 here.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Good and bad choices

As a starting point for group communication, I chose to use Google Groups. It is used by several other groups that I take part in to great success but now we are using it for real, there already seem some limitations. For example. We will have a document (currently under Google Docs), which will hold information about the various aspects of the project, who has taken on that role and what their progress is. Of course this has to be editable by everyone in the group but locking needs to be applied to make sure the document isn't edited by more then once person at a time. I'm sure Google Docs handles this very well but there is no elegant way of integrating this document into the Google Group. It seems Google write great web based utilities but integrating them is not so great.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First "Beagle Challenge" group meet

The first meeting of the "Beagle Challenge group" met this evening. I was really pleased that we got about 14 people to attend, all of which have now signed up to the Google group. It was important that everyone realised that you don't need building or scripting skills to take part. The group also needs researchers and authors for the literature that will go with the models. I detailed that it would be nice for the eventual build to be donated to the International Space Museum but the group also felt that this and any other models we may undertake should also be displayed in an exhibition space on the OU/Schome island too.  I'll approach the owners of the island to see if this is possible. It would make sense that we show what the residents of the island are capable of.

I found the discussion quite heavy going at times. I still haven't perfected the art of managing an online conversation where more then two people are involved. The problem is that there is often several different conversations going on at once. This makes it hard to follow. Subsequently,  participants lose track of what is being proposed and accepted. As an example, each person who takes part will have a specific responsibility. Those responsibilities have not yet been assigned but members of the group where already undertaking certain tasks (researching, creating groups etc), which led to a duplication of effort and some confusion.

So the initial outcomes where :

Each member will write a short resume. This will detail skills, interests and what they would like to get out of the group.

A document will be posted that will allow each group member to take on a task. Hopefully, each member will stick to the task given and not encroach on the tasks of others.

The first tasks that need to be completed are those of the researchers. We need documentation, images, dimensions etc. How does the science work? How does the lander operate? all these things need to be clear so the builders have a clear idea of what the final model should look like and how it should behave.

We will meet again in a week to discuss progress. While the build is ongoing, Those builders and scripters that are willing will hopefully let us know when they are working on the project so others can join them and either learn by observing or better still, if the builder/scripter would talk through what they are attempting to do.

So many people with so many skills and such enthusiasm may prove to be quite a challenge.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

ESA missions

This is a rather neat way to present  exploration missions. The next of which will be GAIA in 2011. This mission will produce a 3D map of the Milky Way.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Schome (Spectroscopy, Climate and Habitability from Orbital Measurement of Earthshine)

It seems there are interesting things going on with other Schomers on the island. The "Schome Core team" are proposing an instrument to measure EarthShine and use spectroscopic techniques to analyse the composition of Earths atmosphere and draw conclusions about what this may mean for the spectroscopic signatures of exoPlanets. Take a look at the full project at

Posted by Becky (19th August 00:45)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

2008 London.

I try and get to the science museum at least once in a year. Today was 2008's trip. I had a good reason for going this time of course. Which reminds me. If you are an OU or Schomer, you can now read the new Schomebase Science blog at Unfortunately, for this first posting, you'll get this one again. However, there will be a handful of contributors so you should get different perspectives on the topics we are covering.
I was actually quite surprised that the Science Museum wasn't as busy as it has been during the school summer break in previous years. A sign of the recession? OK , It's free to get in but a day on London for a visitor with travel and food can be quite an expensive outing.

16 The main purpose for my trip was to get some detailed images of the Beagle exhibit for our build group. I felt quite upset that it was tucked away towards the back wall of the "exploring space" exhibition hall. You have to walk around the back to really see it properly. I was struck by some of the comments from some of the people who were looking at it. A few had no idea about what its purpose was. Comments like "It went to the moon"! The vast majority of people though seem to know that it was the lander "that they lost". It heartened me to hear that they didn't say this in any mocking sense.

So I got my images (several tens of pictures actually). And a few of other exhibits too. I was looking around to see if there were maskothers that we could possibly tackle in the future. There really wasn't. They had one launcher as far as I could see but they did have contributions from UK establishments for NASA funded missions. Which reminds me - Where was the Huygens probe??? Not even Cassini. They need to update there exhibits I think. So, they had the SpaceLab 2 X-ray telescope which was built at the University of Birmingham. It was designed to make a map of X-ray sources as they where detected through a mask (picture opposite). It mapped the x-ray sources at the centre of our galaxy. It even detected what was considered a micro quaser (an object that emits very high energy x-rays).

patrick Couple of other things worthy of note. They now have a gallery for the history of science on film (OU, where are you)? I watched a movie from the 50's in which the Astronomer Royal (who's name escapes me), expressed his opinion on Manned space flight. He said it wouldn't happen for hundreds of years! a mere 10 to 15 years later, Russia put a man in space. In the same film, a very young and less eccentric Patrick Moore. An exhibit that is Science Art is the "Listening Post". IT takes real time snippets of chat from the Internet and displays them in a large bank of little displays and also converts the test to speech. it's quite hard to explain so you can look at a video of the exhibit here (youtube). I sat in front of it for nearly an hour. It was a very odd but strangely calming experience. You have to try it for yourself if you find yourself there.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Becky's Forum Post of 16 August 2008

We now have a skeleton Wiki (
A Google Docs page that we will be using to share things required for the project. If you want to be added to the group, please send me the email addres you would like to use and I'll invite you.
Greg has suggested a blog that we all can contribute to (If you want to). I think this is a great idea but we can discuss this at the first meeting (20th August - Next wednesday at 8pm). Venue TBA. I will be showing you the images I take at the Science Museum on Sunday at this meeting and we can talk about how we can take this forward and the eventual outcomes.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes