Monday, August 18, 2008

Schome (Spectroscopy, Climate and Habitability from Orbital Measurement of Earthshine)

It seems there are interesting things going on with other Schomers on the island. The "Schome Core team" are proposing an instrument to measure EarthShine and use spectroscopic techniques to analyse the composition of Earths atmosphere and draw conclusions about what this may mean for the spectroscopic signatures of exoPlanets. Take a look at the full project at

Posted by Becky (19th August 00:45)


Unknown said...

Hi I just wanted to clarify some things about this post as it is slightly misleading....

S.C.H.O.M.E. (Spectroscopy, Climate, and Habitability from Orbital Measurement of Earthshine) is a Schome Park Project entry into the BNSC/SSTL small satellite competition as outlined
The Schome Park Project is based on a private closed island on the Teen Grid of Second Life.

Contrary to what is outlined in your blog post
[The "Schome Core team" are proposing an instrument....]
it is in fact the Core Space Experiment Team that is proposing the competition entry. The team comprises 9 high school students aged 14-17 years participating in the Schome Park Project(i.e. Schomers). There are three science advisors supervising this project that are both Schome Park staff and PhD students at the Open University in PSSRI and the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

The competition proposal is a work in progress, up to date details about the entry can be found here
with any achievements publicised on the Schome blog.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Becca for clarifying the situation re the S.C.H.O.M.E. entry to BNSC/SSTL small satalite competition.

S.C.H.O.M.E is not schome - the latter being the name we have given to the new form of education system that the Schome Initiative is developing.

Activity within the Schome Initiative includes the Schome Park Programme which involves working with 13 to 17 year olds in Teen Second Life.

We also have an island in the Main Grid of Second Life - which is predominantly being used by OU students but is open to anyone who is interested in developing their/our thinking about what education systems could/should be like.

See for an overview of the Schome Initiative.

See for info about the Schome Park Programme.
