Some of them slightly off-topic . Some made me chuckle (No, skinny people can "chuckle" too), and some made me sad.
Worst Quote - Simon Singh on BBC News 24. "I gave up particle physics because everyone was smarter then me"
Funniest Moment - 3....2.....1.....ohhh! Lyn Evans counting down to the first event.
Most annoying moment - No CERN webcast feed. They invented the web and damn, they don't know how to use it!
Never work with Children and animals moment - School child when interviewed - "What good do Electrons do me anyway?".
Saddest news of the day - A 16 year old girl from India committed suicide because she believed the story's about the world ending were true.
Most exciting moment - The release of the first ATLAS beam event images.
So, "Big Bang Day" comes to a close and the engineers can hand off the equipment to the scientists and their work can now begin. Everyone I am studying with is really looking forward to finding out more about the experiments and results over the coming years.
Incidentally, spare a thought for those of use who are NOT school age and have decided to formally study physics later in life. A lot of the news today was about inspiring young people into Science. This is extremely important to be sure, but there are also plenty of us mature students out here who believe we still can make a difference.
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